a person who is very ambitious to become a film maker starts his journey by writting a story and when he completes it, the story will be about you, i mean unknowingly for a budding film maker his life experiences and his struggles will directly or indirectly reflect the story.
he first starts imagining himself in the charecter and then looks for a girl charecter.
and there is no such guide for making a documentary and film is not a study at the same time it should be practially learned by experiencing it on the site.
take a camera and shoot and your first out put shows you the wrong steps and the critis tell you that you have done few mistakes and as you go onn in yuor journey you will find new mistakes and so yuo will also find a better solution for those mistakes than any one else.
i will tell my first film experience, i titlted the film as SUFFERING SAINT.
my friends asked me whether it is my life story and i said no, but after my movie was completed my mind did not agree that it wasn't mine.
i started making the film with duration of 40 minutes, with out knowing any thing i wrote few lines and i called them as story and wrote some more and i divided them as scene1,2,3 etc and it was my screen play.
i was shocked after i completd it, you know why? i got an out put of 14.5 min.
then i realised that i need more content for the real to run more time and then i found the magic of editing.
i was very excited when i am making a colour film and i felt more when i found the screen colour changed to brown and black and gray by editing and which helped my movie as well.
then when i played it for the first time in my friends studio i heard many noices nad sounds of traffic and many distubances i asked them what should i do to make the audience hear my narration and my film dialogues then they took me to the dubbing studio in the same building where i dubbed my own film.
happiest moment in my life i was the director,producer,script and screnn play writer for my film. its my film and i felt very pround to say that i am a filmmaker than a software engineer.
if the time permits you can make a film out of my words so will come up with a new style and new way and i support the independent filammkers and according to me the most important aspect for a filmamker is freedom.
the director should be given the highest freedom on the set to make a good product.
..........wil be out into the world on the name of JANRISE ENTERTAINMENT......