i have few questions to the readers before they read this article.
1. do u think about your country and its growth
2. why you people celebrate independece day and republic day and i bet many of our indian are still not clear about the two adtes AUGUST 15TH AND JAN 26TH.
3. as the world knowzs indians stay outside india in places like US,UK,EUROPE even in antarcitica but they dont like india, then why they present themselves as indians and i dont find any reason why they attend to indian associations and parties in states and in other countries.
remebering the native place for date of birth proof and remember the nation name to fill the nationality block in your job applications and many people remember their expiry date of the visa but they never try to recollect the history of india.
i dont ask them or request them to think about the country or to serve but i expect them not to pretend that they are serving the country and INDIA now is not in a state to be served.
when i was in seventh i read in my english text book that INDIA IS A DEVELOPING COUNTRY and when i passed 10th my teacher gave a lecture starting with the slogan INDIA IS A DEVELOPING COUNTRY and few days back i found an indan settled in london saying " you know india is still developing " and he laughed as if INDIA never develope unless he goes to the country.
very few know that it's developed and far better than many countries in the world.
according to me IT,SOFTWARE ect etc took peolpe to a state where they think they are the most intelligent people in the world.
DESAM my title of the article will suit for a MANI RATNAM'S film than for my lecture.
very few films take the oportunity to select the country to be the main subject.
3 hours of film will makie popele get very excited and till they come out of the theater they are indians and after having a fag and a cup of tea they are still indians. many film producers think twice when they are asked to invest on a subject about country or freedom struggle or to describe the history of india. i dont see any mistake in those producers stepping back to invest money because WE THE PEOPLE show intrest and will be more excited about the dress color of MALLIKA or some other film actress than about the constitution of india. these days we need a love story in a film like ASHOKA or MANGAL PANDEY to desribe about the great kings of our country. i dont say any one to care about india and i pleed them to stay back there because life is worst if they come out of himalayas.i found many communities and many social organisations surving in the name of INDIA and according to them india is an underdeveloped country and now they are the people who are developing it.
the world feels pround to have a country like INDIA which has many religions, states, languages but we quarell each other and fight for their own religious rights with board written HUMAN RIGHTS. i have a question, what would be the position if A RIGHT TO KILL was written in our constitution or A GUN was given to a farmer.
a farmer kills his land lord with gun and a land lord kills the head of the village from there it continues till INDA is dead after that a film will be realesed and this time its sharukhs turn, RED CHILLIES ENT "REBIRTH OF INDIA" and a software engineer will watch the film on his so called friday night corporate show and a doctor watches the film in his day off and a layer on his court holiday.
i think people who read this still remember INDIA and if they forget and try to recollect i request them to forget.
i promiss, i will make "DESAM" on the big screen which makes people to see the MAP OF INDIA after going home and this time you will see a slogan DEVELOPED INDIA.