How to start with
Mmm wht you want to become, your aims, ambitions, dreams ect etc et c bla bla bla
I think its not a simple question to start with and to correctly or exactly explain your question, you know its not so simple these days for a man to fulfil his dreams or aims whatever, I think it’s easy for a girl to do what she can, just a joke mate.
Now to answer your question
I wish
Ya you wish? I wish i was never born
I mean i wish if i was born before the earth was i might have ruled it.
I wish if i was born before independence of our country i would have changed the fate of India.
Hey you can think this way as well , if i was born a day before bill gates i would have put my name for the operating system , nice to have a dream like that isn’t it?
Please be practical and don’t live your dreams dude.
Then what should i do
Still keep on studying ? or learn some shit sitting before a machine blocking my mind and listening the commands that a machine is running?
Why don’t you at least think what you want to become and as i told you this before and now i am again telling you life is very very precious and for god sake plz don’t waste it.
For god sake? a big joke
My dad used to keep on telling me that i should be a great man but he did not tell me how?
What the fuck is left for me to do in this so called 08, just to make a phone call and say happy New Year happy New Year and now should wait for another year to say that again.
What’s your problem yaar
I am a problem
Frustated dipressed i dont know why better leave it.
Frustated ? deprerssed oh my god you are too young to use them.
And what did you say
Leave it , now i got the point
Don’t try to escape and at least give a try and if you don’t mind shall i say you one thing
When someone gives a huge amount of money then i am sure you will then start thinking about the nest pie.
Why do you think that you were not born in the right time i mean in this new generation, there is lot to explore dude,
Plzz stop it don’t keep on saying explore explore i thought of finding a sea route to India but vasco did it before i was born and when i was born my uncle came to India on a ship.
And now what you mean to say mrrrr
What i mean to say is just switch of the camera stop filming me.
Why should i, this one may get an award or we may go to oscars
Oscar’s hahhahaha
There is nothing wrong in hoping something but don’t you think you are more ambitions
Acha , if you think for Oscars you will make the film edited other wise this attempt will be another dream for us.
Can i at least know whats the film means , forget the about the people who see it but i pray god that you know it.
Its about a mentally retorted person.
Ohh that’s very nice, now i understood its about you, i will be happy if i am but not like you
24/7 unhappy.
Who said i am not happy
I am the luckiest person in the world
My loving parents to look after me , mate you are 23 and the time has come ,you should look after them.
I am rich enough, living in one of the world’s richest place.
But i wish i was born at least a decade before in 1975 so that by this time i would have settled in a good job , sexy wife a car and more and more what i am not getting now.
You know when i was in 9th my cousin was in his engineering and he used to enjoy a lot and from that time i started thinking if i was born few years before i would have enjoyed like him.
Of course you did and every man must and should cross every stage in his life. And your cousin did not come to his engineering without writing 10th right, yup even i did the same
Hahaha every one does that is how you grow.
Ooh really
Writing exams and getting 98 percent or 100 plus 1 percent in your exams make you grow, i wont accept with it.
You know one thing, all these people run away from India after their degrees go to US ,UK and live a shit life here and now as you said before they should be the most intelligent people on the earth and in those you should get many intellectuals and scientists.
Heloo i want to remind you that you are in London, sleeping.
I am different, everyone is different and why do you underestimate others, they may be more intelligent than you or more studious.
Who cares?
I know what i am
I don’t want to go in the daily routine life , studying, flying again going back as if they are ready to save the world and marry some girl get back again
H1 hsmp red passport ect etc
But everyone is happy except me.
Aa because
Let me tell the answer for my question, they are satisfied for what they are but i am not
No, that’s not the real answer
You are not satisfied what they are or you might be jealous of them.
Why should i
I am trying hard to come out of the main stream that people are going.
Then be patient and wait for time to come.
Right, exactly it takes time
And i am not so patient as you are and so
I wish i was never born
Yeaah even i wish you were never born.
Hahaha then what about this film ,
I think i am born to make this film
If you forget about discovering a new thing or inventing something there is EVOLUTION
I think you are born at the time where the world is waiting for a new thing
It can be a new film, A new picture, A new photo.
Its better to come in your way, according to if you think that if past 22 years are waste
I am not thinking i know that its waste,
Let me complete
Let’s say you may die at a age of 70 and if you stop smoking you live for another decade.
Still many many yeasr left to be explored.
And the time i reach my 80th birthday its no use of thinking about the past.
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